Répétition publique — Friday March 31 - 6: — duration: 1h30

Composer's Next Generation
Atelier Nice to meet you!

L'Abri - A2 — Free admission

Program upload

A mini-residency brings together interns with instrumentalists and composers of Vortex. They present the possibilities of each instrumentalist, show the interaction between instruments and electro-acoustic or new types of instruments… Vortex plays the selected scores.

Archipel 2017
© Archipel 2017
Coproduction Ensemble Vortex.
Avec le soutien d’Art Mentor Lucerne, de Pro Helvetia et de la Fondation L’Abri.
  • Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne
  • Pro Helvetia
  • Ensemble Vortex
  • Fondation L