Rencontres professionnelles — Saturday April 01 - 1:30pm — duration: 2h30

Carrefour des artistes
Journée d'orientation professionnelle

L'Abri - A2 — Free admission

Program upload

I'm a young composer, a performer starting out. Where can I complete my training? Which academy? How do I apply? I've put together an ensemble; how do it promote, develop and manage it? Do I have to enrol in a royalties society? Is paper or dematerialised publishing preferable? Can I diffuse my music freely on the Internet? How to collaborate with other disciplines? Where to diffuse my work? We shall try to answer these questions and many others that young artists ask themselves at the beginning of their professional life, in the course of a 'speed-dating' series with specialists in law, publishing, teaching, and musical production.

This day, under the aegis of SUISA and in collaboration with L'Abri Foundation, is aimed at the professional insertion of young musicians. It is open to all and, first and foremost, to participants in our academies (OSE, Vortex, Lemanic, Atelier Cosmopolite), as well as to students in Swiss graduate schools.

1:30-1:50 pm Marc Texier - Archipel CEO
1:50-2:10 Daniel Zea - composer and co-founder of the ensemble Vortex
2:10-2:30 Tzairi Santos Garcia - head of digital development - Outhere Music
2:30-2:50 Lucas Fagin - composer and co-director at Babelscores

Pause (10 min)

3:00-3:20 Bruno Serrou - music critic
3:20-3:40 Marie-Christine Papillon - editor - Editions Papillon
3:40-4.00 Debriefing

Archipel 2017
© Archipel 2017
Coproduction Suisa et Festival Archipel.
En partenariat avec les Ateliers de la profession de la Haute Ecole de Musique de Genève.
Avec le soutien d’Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne et de la Fondation L’Abri.
  • Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne
  • Fondation L
  • Haute École de Musique de Genève