Ricardo Eizirik

Brazilian swiss resident composer, born Monday September 16, 1985, in Ribeirão Preto

Ricardo Schermann Eizirik (1985, Ribeirão Preto – Brazil) is a brazilian/swedish composer with an extended artistic production. Both in his musical output as well as in his collaborative/transdiciplinary work he has shown a great deal of concern with socio-cultural issues and with the spaces in which art and music are shown/reproduced and perceived.

He spent his childhood in Sweden and took his Bachelor in Music Composition (under the supervision of Antonio C. B. Cunha) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. In 2012 he completed a Master in Composition (under the supervision of Isabel Mundry) and in 2013 a Master in Transdiziplinarität, both at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (CH).

Complementing his academic studies Ricardo has also participated in several workshops and Masterclasses with composers, musicians and artists such as Helmut Lachenmann, Klaus Lang, Manos Tsangaris, Simon Steen-Andersen, George Aperghis, Peter Ablinger, Dmitri

Kourliandski, Brian Ferneyhough, Beat Furrer and worked with ensembles such as ensemble Recherche, Neuevocalsolisten Stuttgart, Collegium Novum Zürich, Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie, ensemble Soundinitiative, Reinhold Friederich among others. During 2009 and 2010 he was the production director of the new music festival Contemporaneo-RS.

Since 2012 he is a member of the Swiss new music collective soyuz21.

During 2013 he was the artistic director/curator of the ICST/ZHdK concert seires GENERATOR in Zürich.

Since 2014 he is the artistic director/curator (together with Michelle Ziegler) of the concert series KOMPAKT am Montag.

Alongside his musical output he has collaborated with several artists and composers (such as Swami Silva (BR/CH) and Nuria Krämer (ES/DE)) in the creation of installations, performances and “site-specific” actions.

Presently he is enrolled in a Doctoral program at the Kunst Univerität Graz (Graz – A)/ZHdK and teaches at the new music department of the Zurich University of Arts.