Oscar Bianchi

Alteritas  (2017)  #10’ — création mondiale
pour clarinette contrebasse

Fondation Royaumont © Agathe Poupeney
In concert
L'Heure est au grave 1 - 04.02 3:

«Meanings develop only through crossings and thresholds, even better, through resistances. Thresholds and crossings are zones of secret, of incertitude, of transformation, of death, of fear, but also of nostalgia, of hope and of waiting. Their negativity determines the topology of passions» The thresholds invoked here by philosophers Byung-Chul Han - who stressed their indispensable place in order to sustain negativity, a fertile condition for mankind, for its creativity and its existential hygiene - shall be considered a vital elements within the reflection of music making today as well. In «Topolgia delle passioni» the threshold between noise

and word is encouraged so that new possibilities of secrets, of incertitude and of transformation are embraced. New alliances solicit new energies, so that music can unfold towards a notion of play and alterity of sound, a sound where its residual shadows are equally embraced as its apparent luminous nature.  Contextually recalling the anniversary of the DADA movement - which brilliantly attempted to fend off certitudes by celebrating and challenging thresholds, fears, hopes and expectations - I propose here a «play of sound» by embracing a new cartography of the senses, a «Topology of passions».