Valentine Collet


Born in Genf, Valentine studies with Roland Perreanoud at the Conservatoire Superieur de Musique in Genf and with Emanuel Abbühl at the music academies in Basel and Mannheim.

With the exchange program Erasmus she studies also with Daniel Walter at the Conservatoire Superieur de Musique in Paris.

She has a lot of experiences in playing orchestra (Orchesterakademie

des Nationaltheaterorchesters Mannheim, Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz, Theaterorchester Heidelberg).

In 2010/2011 she was a member of the Lucerne Festival Academy and cooperated with Boulez, Eötvös, Robertson, Mälkki and Ensemble Intercontemporain.

Valentine also played with Opernhausorchester Zürich, Kammerorchester Basel, Ensemble Vocal et Instrumental de Lausanne. Since 2009 Valentine is a member of the «Orchestre de Chambre Fribourgeois».