Landy Andriamboavonjy


Landy Andriamboavonjy is a multi talended artist. She’s a harpist, singer, dancer, actress, stage director, choir director, composer and author. 
On stage, she is equally at ease between classic repertory, world music and contemporary creations In all, she participed close 30 shows featuring singing opera, theatre, dance and musical. Her own creations are: Loss of symmetry

with the international indian dancer, Shantala Shivalingappa,


Duet with her brother, Faly, flute player and dancer, Berceuses autour du monde : CD of lullabys all around the world (Universal music), Le voyage de Zadim:

musical tales written and performed (Ed: Milan Jeunesse), Havana et l’étoile Lullaby’s recital.