Concert — Sunday March 26 - 3: — duration: 1h30

Ciclo del ritorno

Temple Saint Gervais — Price B: 20-15-10-5 fr.

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Giorgio Netti
Italy 1963
Ciclo del ritorno (2010-2014) 1h10’
pour alto et électronique

alto voice
Anna Spina
réalisation électronique
Benoît Piccand

Giorgio Netti is a composer totally removed from fashions and the world. To write his works, he favours in-depth work, sometimes spanning years, with a favourite performer. Through slow exploration of the instrument, he will express its soul in sound through his acoustic staging in a venue chosen for its reverberant richness and with the help of refined electronic amplification. His encounter with the Bern violist Anna Spina resulted in this masterpiece, Ciclo del ritorno, which resonates beneath the Gothic vaults of the Temple Saint-Gervais in Geneva.

Archipel 2017
© Archipel 2017
En partenariat avec l’Espace Saint-Gervais, Eglise protestante de Genève.
  • Espace Saint-Gervais